
Created by Flynn Burklin
15 levels
Last updated March 23, 2005

Update Set

Additional Notes

View the scoreboard for this set at pie guy's site.


Download FlynnB1.dat from pie guy's site

Level Solvability List

LevelSolvable in MSSolvable in Lynx
1. Give me an F! YesNo
2. Give me an L! YesNo
3. Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of Fire! YesUndetermined
4. The big N YesNo
5. The N of death YesNo
6. Let loose the teeth of war! YesYes
7. Stop bugging me! YesNo
8. Labyrinth of Luck YesYes
9. Stop....Parameciuming me? YesUndetermined
10. Mission: Almost Impossible YesUndetermined
11. Kid's stuff YesYes
12. The Booby trapped hall YesUndetermined
13. Dodge Glider YesUndetermined
14. Count Dufu showdown! YesYes
15. Child's Play YesUndetermined
16. The Level Of No Return! NoNo